Free School Meals
If you are claiming certain benefits, you could save money by claiming free school meals for your child.
Children who attend school in the Vale of Glamorgan and whose parents or carers receive the following benefits are entitled to receive Free School Meals.
- Income Support
- Income-Based JobSeekers Allowance
- Income-Related Employment Support Allowance
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit where total annual income (as assessed by HMRC) is less than £16,190
- Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’
- Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’
- Universal Credit where annual net earnings from employment or self-employment are £7,400 or less (as assessed by the Department for Works and Pensions)
Pupils who receive Income Support or Income-Based JobSeekers Allowance or Income-Related Employment Support Allowance in their own right are also eligible to receive free school meals.
You will not qualify for Free School Meals if you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit and your annual net income from employed or self-employed earnings is over £7,400.
How to Apply
Free School Meals are administered by the Benefits department.
Download an application form, fill it in, and return it to:
Free School Meals
Benefits Department
Civic Offices
Holton Road
CF63 4RU
Alternatively please call on 01446 709244 and we will post a form to you.
- Free School Meals Application Form
You must let us know if your circumstances change, including:
- If you start work or come off benefits
- If you change to a different benefit
- If you change of address
- If your child moves to another address
- If your child changes school during the school year
You will also need to complete a new application if your child starts school for the first time and for any subsequent children when they start school.
If your child attends school outside of the Vale of Glamorgan, you will need to claim Free School Meals from the council where the school is located.
Please also note you cannot claim Free School Meals for private schools, nursery schools, or college.